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Group Play Therapy

Play Group

Play is a child’s occupation. Through play, children will be able to learn new things. Play also encourages the development of new skills such as literacy, communication, social skills, gross motor, fine motor, emotional and psychology support.  Play allows children  to make choices, be spontaneous and have their own space to learn and test their limits


Benefits of Play

Social Skills

Develop  good social skills

Social skill is a crucial skill for every person and this skill is usually learnt through play and social gathering. Usually, parents are the main model to show their child how to socialize with friends and others.  Good social skills require a child to learn about personal space, turn-taking sharing, and many more.

Communication Skills

From play, a child will learn from their peers or siblings how to request,  greet, comment and plan play. Through play, children will also learn how to exchange ideas and interact with each other.

Support Emotional & Mental Health

Support emotional and mental health

Play helps children to relax and have fun. Children learn  how to observe and empathize with other people’s emotions. They also learn how to control their emotions when they are upset or when things don’t go their way. Most children use play to express their emotions when they don’t know how to do it verbally.

Improve sensory, cognitive, gross motor, fine motor and visual skills

Improve  sensory, cognitive, gross motor, fine motor and visual skills

Through toys and games, children will naturally learn how to play with the toys, manipulate or hold the things they need, understand the rules of play, stay in the group as well as learn to stay focused during play.

Improve communication skills

WHY Play Group Therapy?

Some children do not learn social skills automatically because of their limited understanding and challenges that make it hard for them to socialize.  Most of these children tend to be alone, have little to no friends in school, do not enjoy crowded places, do not play with toys appropriately or show any interest in toys.  


A play group teaches the children social skills, allows children to make mistakes and learn how to play appropriately in a socially safe environment. As such, a play group is a great way for the children to learn about the world, make friends and develop social skills.


Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem and Independence

Build children’s self-confidence, self - esteem and independence through play, and at the same time, provide stimulation and help them develop their gross motor, fine motor, visual, and cognitive skills.

Understand and support the child

To give parents and family members the opportunity to understand the child’s social level and learn to support them as they are integrated in the community.

Emotional and Mental Strength Development

Provide opportunities for children to develop emotional and social skills through play.

WHAT Is in it?

Each playgroup consists of a maximum of 3 children.


Program frequency: 1 session per week


Session duration: 60 minutes


Our program requires strong collaboration between parents and teachers so that the child can apply their learned skills in natural settings. Our program will help you understand the child’s social skills level so we know how to support the child in developing their milestones


All children shall be welcomed to the group, regardless of their race, gender, disabilities or challenges. They shall be treated as individuals and they are allowed to develop at their own pace with encouragement from their parents and the therapist.

Our process

Step 1: Initial assessment to determine which play group is most suitable for the child.


Step 2: The child is grouped based on the assessment results.


Step 3: Play group commences and runs for 10 weeks.


Step 4: Progress meeting between parents & therapists every 5 weeks.

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